Projects Coming (2023-2027)
Progress is slow, years of planning and engineering precede actual improvements for our bike and pedestrian network. But little by little, progress does get constructed. This is what we're looking forward to!
Ballot 1A projects
In 2016, Pueblo County voters approved a DeBrucing measure to allow the county to retain and spend all the revenue it collects, eliminating a revenue cap set by the Taxpayer Bill of Rights (TABOR) in Colorado. This will result in $41 million of capital improvement projects across the county. Check out the website of the projects!

Parks & Recreation and Bike path improvements
Off-street trails or paths are under Parks and Recreation jurisdiction. Depending on the location, they may be City of Pueblo, Pueblo County, Pueblo West Metro District or Lake Pueblo State Park. The biggest project PACE is waiting for is the final mile of trail to connect Pueblo West paved trails to Lake Pueblo north entrance trails and all 30 miles beyond! The trail is paved but the bridge is delayed until September 2023 and we will be fully connected!
Click here for the Regional Bike Lane & Multi-Use Trails.
Pot holes and poor pavement conditions are a concern for all drivers. Bicyclists and pedestrians also benefit when a road get a pavement overlay as striping can be modified and improved. Click here to learn of upcoming projects. We are thankful the Hwy 50 interchange at Purcell Blvd is completed with sidewalks and bike lanes.
Click here to check out the City's pavement condition map.