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Bike Tool Stations

Pueblo Active Community Environments (PACE) secured a grant in early 2021 for six new Bike Tool Stations installed around the city. The tool stations are free for community  members to pump up low tires, fix their bike and keep rolling! 


Bike Tool Station locations include (see map below): 

  1. Southside:  Community Garden Park west of Corwin International Magnet School by Lakeview and Bragdon Avenue.

  2. Eastside:  Plaza Verde Park off Hudson and Ash

  3. Rawlings library (moved from Moffat trailhead/Runyon area due to excess vandalism)

  4. Kayak Park 

  5. Nature Center - sadly someone stole the bike pump:(

  6. Lake Pueblo Arkansas Point trailhead for mountain biking


Two PACE community members discussed the idea while preparing the city application to renew Pueblo’s recognition as a Bicycle Friendly Community through the League of American Bicyclists in the fall 2020. Eva Cosyleon wondered if Pueblo could get funding for a community bicycle repair station so low-income cyclists could fix their bicycle and keep them operational. Cosyleon heard about a grant through the Health Department to encourage more community members to be active outdoors.  Justin Novosel, a local PE teacher and PACE volunteer, started coordinating with the city and writing the grant application and had Kim Arline, the Chairperson for PACE, complete the grant process.


The original grant request was for one tool station, but the Health Department grant committee liked the idea and suggested asking for more.  PACE came up with a list of potential locations, worked with city, county and state officials and developed community partnerships for long term maintenance of the stations.  The final application included six bike stands with eight tools on cables and six heavy-duty tire pumps, and replacement tools and pump hoses in case of damage or theft. 


Daniel Muldoon of Muldoon and Associates Realty donated $500 and PACE donated $540 as cash match to complete the package and shipping costs. The city Anti-Graffiti crew sprayed the tool stations to resist graffiti and the City of Pueblo Parks and Recreation department installed five of the stations on city owned property.  The city traffic department also made signs to go along the trails and roads to direct people to locations where a “Bike Tool Station” can be found.


PACE needed community partners willing to regularly check on and maintain the bike tool stations.  The Green Chile Bike Bank and the “Cruisin’ Pueblo” Thursday night community bicycle ride volunteers offered to routinely check on the stations and provide repairs all around town. The Great Divide Bike Shop offered to adopt two stations and store all the spare parts for the community volunteers.  The Southern Colorado Trailbuilders installed and maintain the station at the Lake Pueblo Arkansas Point trailhead for mountain bikers.


Some repair kits are available for the first two years but future fundraising may be needed in coming years if the tool stations suffer significant theft or vandalism. PACE hopes the community will value the opportunity to fix their bike and leave the tools for others to do the same. PACE welcomes the community to use the stations, keep their bicycle in safe working condition and keep on rolling.  The stations have a QR code users can scan to a survey to share if the stand was helpful, what their thoughts are, mention if a repair is needed or anything on their mind.

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PACE (Pueblo Active Community Environments) has advocated for a bicycle and pedestrian friendly community by working with PACOG (Pueblo Area Council of Governments including City of Pueblo, Pueblo County, Pueblo West Metro, CDOT, Lake Pueblo State Park) and more. We advocate for connected bike lanes, trails, sidewalks, bike racks, advocate for safety, started weekly Cruiser Rides in 2011 and Bike to Work events, Commuter Cup Challenge in 2010 to connect with others at a human pace.  We want to promote all the active options you can enjoy in our amazing community with 330 days of sunshine a year!


We meet once monthly on the 3rd Thursday at 4:00 p.m. on Zoom. Check out "About PACE" for details on meetings, events & projects to get involved.


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